Thursday, October 11, 2012

Join the IEI for Saturday Homecoming Events!

Join the IEI for Saturday Homecoming Events!

10:00 am The Parade
The Homecoming Parade leaves Muncie Central High School and travels north on Wheeling to University, then heads west on University Ave. to McKinley, and ends at McKinley and Petty (by the Robert Bell Building). IEI faculty and students will be gathering at the bridge on Wheeling to watch the parade. Please join us!

11:30 am Tailgating
What is this?? It’s an extremely fun cookout from the back of your (or a friend’s) car! B.Y.O.B (This means “bring your own beverage”), a chair or blanket to sit on, some (or a lot) food to share, outdoor games, cards, etc., and friends!

Details: If you are driving your own car and want to be a part of the tailgate area with your car, meet at the BSU Facilities Building (this is across the street from Sheidler) by 11:30 am. All IEI cars will leave together from this point and drive to the parking entrance on Tillotson (west of the football stadium). This important because if we drive together, we can park together; and if we park together, our party is unified!

If you do not want to drive and just want to meet us there, come to the parking area at noon and just look around until you find the IEI group. We will have some colorful balloons flying from one of the cars so that will help you find us. When all the cars are parked, people take out tables, games, food, and there is lots of music, laughter, and fun!

Cost: $5.00 per car

3:00 pm The Football Game!
Students get in FREE with Ball State ID cards
If you want to bring your children, the grassy area at the north end of the stadium is a great place to sit with children. Be sure to bring a blanket so you can sit on the grass.

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